My research comprises a broad array of legal aspects of European integration. Currently, I focus on constitutional questions of EU law, in particular EU fundamental rights and European democracy, approaching them from the perspective of new technologies as well as from a theoretical perspective. My previous academic work comprised also research on the role of the Court of Justice of the EU in development and interpretation of European law as well as legal aspects of EU external relations. As a legal advisor (référendaire) at the Court of Justice of the EU I acquired a broad in-depth knowledge of different fields of EU law, particularly in the area of EU consumer protection law, EU private international law, EU civil law, EU free movement of goods, EU competition law and EU customs law. Since my judicial appointment on 6 July 2021, I continue to work on cases in various fields of EU law as a Judge at the General Court of the EU.

The scientific monograph Pravo EU: Ustavno, procesno in gospodarsko pravo EU (EU Law: Constitutional, Procedural and Commercial EU Law), co-authored with prof. dr. Verica Trstenjak, comprehensively discusses core questions of EU law, ranging from EU institutions, judicial protection and fundamental principles to fundamental freedoms and competition law. It addresses also numerous cases before the Court of Justice of the EU and the significance of European law for Slovenia.

The edited volume Courts, Privacy and Data Protection in the Digital Environment, edited with Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, focuses on the role of the European and national courts in the protection of fundamental constitutional rights to privacy and data protection. The chapters in the book are authored by renowned scholars from Belgium, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom. Maja Brkan’s chapter discusses the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU regarding the protection of the abovementioned fundamental rights and analyses how this court balances between these two fundamental rights and other interests.

The edited volume Postopki pred Sodiščem EU (Procedures before the Court of Justice of the EU), which is the result of cooperation with Slovenian EU law experts, aims to familiarise Slovenian judges, attorneys and state attorneys with EU law. The book contains practical guidelines about the core procedures before the Court of Justice and offers concise answers on numerous questions that Slovenian lawyers face in their work in the field of EU law.
Brkan, Maja (ed.). Postopki pred Sodiščem EU: priročnik za sodnike, odvetnike in državne pravobranilce. Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV založba, 2014. 281 p.

The scientific monograph Pravne razsežnosti zunanje politike EU (Legal Aspects of EU Foreign Policy) tackles legal aspects of common foreign and security policy of the EU. The book, which is the result of the author’s doctoral thesis, offers an in-depth discussion of the theoretical question whether the acts adopted in this field can be designated as legal acts and whether this field in consequence acquired characteristics of a legal order. The book places a special emphasis on the analysis of the limited role of the Court of Justice of the EU in this field.
Brkan, Maja. Pravne razsežnosti zunanje politike EU. Ljubljana: GV Založba, 2009. 351 p.